Wise Words from a Villain


“If you’re good at something, never do it for free!”. Wise words spoken by Heath Ledger’s joker in The Dark Knight. I would take it a step further, though- if you enjoy something, never do it for free! Why, in this day and age, should we settle for earning a living doing something we hate with people we can’t stand? No, I’m not telling you to quit your 9-5 and get a job taming Wolverines, but that may be something to look into in the future.

The fact of the matter is, there are so many ways we can make money nowadays, be it on of offline. You don’t have to set your sites for primary source of income right off the bat, but even earning residual income from something your passionate about is an incredible accomplishment! So how do you do this? Well, let’s start with a list of steps-

1) Come up with a list of things you enjoy that you would love to be getting paid to do.

2) Do a little research and narrow it down to a couple of options based on how realistic it is to make money with it (Pro-tip: wrestling Ant Eaters is probably not going to make the list)

3) Create your plan of attack. What are your first steps into pursuing this side gig? What experience/training does it require? Who do you need to get in touch with to make it happen?

4) OPTIONAL: Create a blog/website to advertise your product/services.

5) Put your plan into action.

Chances are you won’t be making millions in your first few months, or even the first year, but that doesn’t matter. Do not get discouraged by low income at first. Even Bill Gates had to earn his first dollar before he could make billions.

Firing up the new site!

Welcome the to glorious new homepage for Atomic Man Productions. Here you will find everything from ways to contact us to our award winning Chili recipe (just kidding, we’d have to kill you!). Have a look around, drop us a line or just hang out!